Tag Archives: Productivity

Shift time spent

Shift How You Spend Your Time

Have you done the TIME TRACKING EXERCISE?  Are you still unconvinced that you need to change the things that you are doing in life?  Or, did you skip the activity because you still don’t think that it is important? This post is for those who don’t see the need to change but, even if you […]

Stages of the moon

Understanding Your LifeStage

A Stage of Life, or LifeStage (LS) is a general classification that can help group a person into a ‘bucket’ of similar people.   LS’s have typically been classified by age group only, which is not necessarily wrong.  However, my take on LS’s differ slightly in that I add in some additional factors or attributes to […]

Black and white scale, balanced

Achieving Balance

Growing up, I was bombarded with messages from school, my family, and the media, just like everyone else.  The messages I heard probably sound familiar to you – go to school, work hard, put in the effort, and you will achieve everything your heart desires.  I know that many people have claimed that these messages […]

Wise looking guru

Mastery Begins With Imitation

The road to master will always begin with imitation.  Think of the artist who began drawing their favorite characters or comics as children.  You begin by learning to draw what others have done.  When you are learning to play an instrument, you learn chords and keys, but do you start by playing your own music […]

Two paths decision


“I am NOT a product of my circumstances; I AM a product of my decisions.”  Stephen Covey   Is there something that you want to do or somewhere that you want to go?  Before you can go anywhere or do anything in life, you need to first make a conscious decision to do that thing […]

archery as mastery

The fearful road to mastery

The fearful road to mastery The journey to master is arduous, annoying, and full of so much pain that sometimes the mere thought of the activity, hobby, or passion can cause paralysis.  I have run into this so many times in my life that I have lost count.  I have been paralyzed into inaction far […]

Have to start somewhere

Good to Great!

Good to great! I hope that you read our last post, Why Be Great?, and have decided that cultivating greatness is worthwhile.  Sometimes, it’s hard to discern whether you are already doing great or if you are just doing ‘good.’  The reason for this is that there could be a lot of positive things going […]

Lot's of money

Why be Great?

Why be great? It is important to understand that being great is a choice that you get to make.  No one can make it for you and it doesn’t just happen because it would be ‘nice.’  Doing ‘well’ and being great are worlds apart.  It is important to assess whether you are happy where you […]

Shift how you spend your time

Change How You Spend Your Time

Have you done the TIME TRACKING EXERCISE?  Are you still unconvinced that you need to change the things that you are doing in life?  Or, did you skip the activity because you still don’t think that it is important? This post is for those who don’t see the need to change but, even if you […]

Enjoy activities more

More ways to enjoy the things you hate

Do you find that you don’t enjoy some of the activities that you have to do in life?  The place we most often experience this is work, right?  You ‘have’ to work in order to earn a living which means, even if you have chosen your job, you have not necessarily chosen all of the […]